REM - Rights, Duties, Solidarity: European Constitutions and Muslim Immigration
Acronimo: REM
ID progetto: 580205
Ente finanziatore: European Commission
Programma/Bando: Erasmus+ Key Action 3 - Initiatives for policy innovation - Transnational Cooperation projects - EACEA 05/2016
Coordinatore: Cooperativa Sociale Ceis Formazione - Italy
Partners: Fundatia Professional, Asociacion Ambit, Volkshochschule Im Landkreis Cham Ev, Universita Degli Studi dell'Insubria, Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia, Centro Per Instruzione Degli Adulti – Cpia Metropolitano Di Bologna
The proposal aims to preventing violent radicalisation and promoting democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship by scaling up civic and cultural integration of migrants from countries of Islamic culture in European project partners countries. Activities will be implemented by a partnership composed of experienced key actors in education, training and youth in Span, Italy, Germany and Romania and will be based on an educational experience carried out in the prison of Dozza (Bologna) based on Italian and Muslim countries Constitutions comparison addressed to a group of people from Islamic countries. Among the instruments of government change a crucial role is played by educational activities in all levels: from childhood to university schools, but particularly in those institutions who see the most massive influx of foreigners, as for the adult education centres and the prison schools. In this environment a specific problem is the large presence of people of Islamic faith. Project intends to contribute to improve the acquisition of social and civic competences and fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of democratic values and fundamental rights between Muslim youth that are in disadvantage situations or looking for a stable employment in European countries. The overall aim is to develop an integrated education strategy to promote social and political participation among migrants. The project takes into account of the fact that successful integration is not just a matter for the minority but also depends on the willingness of the majority society and its institutions to move forward. REM is wants disseminate teaching modules, stock of appropriate teaching tools with the creation of a relevant networks in order to ensure that immigrants in points of access to the education system can represent to them an interaction and an understanding of the core values and principles that inspire the hosted country.