Stefano Serra Capizzano born in 1967 received the Laurea in Computer Science in 1990 at the Pisa U. and the PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1996 and Optimisation at the Milano U., both with summa cum laude. In 1996 he started as Researcher in Numerical Analysis (N.A.) at the Department of Energetica of Firenze U.; from the year 2000 he is Associate Professor in N.A. at the CFM Department of Insubria U. in Como. Since October 1st 2006 he is Full Professor in N.A. (abilitation November 2004) and serves as head of the Department of Physics and Mathematics.

Numero telefonico
031 238 6370
Anno Accademico: 2022/2023
Anno Accademico: 2021/2022
Anno Accademico: 2020/2021
Anno Accademico: 2019/2020
Anno di corso: 2
Anno Accademico: 2018/2019
Anno di corso: 2
Anno Accademico: 2017/2018
Anno di corso: 2