Vedi elenco aggiornato in PUBMED
L'intensa attività di ricerca è documentata da numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche che partono dal 1992. In elenco le pubblicazioni più recenti:
-Marchetti C., Casasco A., Di Nucci A.,Icaro Cornaglia A., Reguzzoni M., Rosso S., Piovella F., Calligaro A., Polak J..
Immunolocalization of Endothelin and Nitric Oxide-Synthase in lymphatic vessels and cultured lymphatic endothelial cells.
Microv. Research 1997 ; 53:282-285.
-Marchetti C., Casasco A., Di Nucci A., Reguzzoni M., Rosso S., Piovella F., Calligaro A., Polak J..
Endothelin and Nitric Oxide-Synthase in lymphatic endothelial cells: immunolocalization in vivo and in vitro.
The Anatom Record 1997; 248: 490-497.
-Marchetti C., Casasco A., Di Nucci A., Casasco M., Reguzzoni M., Rosso S..
Phenotypic expressions of bovine lymphatic endothelial cell in cultures as studied by immunocytochemistry.
Lymphol 1997: 29.
-Marchetti C, Bernasconi G., Reguzzoni M., Farina A..
The articular disc surface in different functional conditions of the human temporo-mandibular joint.
J. Oral Pathol. Med. 1997; 26: 278-282.
-Bernasconi G., Marchetti C., Reguzzoni M., Baciliero U..
Synovia hyperplasia and calcification in the human TMJ disk.
Oral Sur Oral Med Oral Pat 1997; 84/3:245-252.
-Marchetti C., Bernasconi G., Reguzzoni M..
Presence of calcified tissue in the human temporomandibular joint disc.
Ar. Oral. Biol. 1997; 42,10/11: 755-760.
- Casasco A., Casasco M., Reguzzoni M., Stoppini M., Mangione P., Berni R..
Production and immunocytochemical characterization of monoclonal antbodies to sa gene product.
It. J. Anat. Embriol.1997;102(suppl.): 43.
-Casasco A., Calligaro A., Csasco M., Tateo S., Icaro Cornaglia A., Reguzzoni M., Farina A..
Immunohistochemical localization of lipoperoxidation products in normal human placenta. Placenta.1997;18:249-253.
-Marchetti C., Icaro Cornaglia A., Reguzzoni M., Calligaro A., Bernasconi G., Baciliero U..
The human TMJ disc and synovia: morphological features in different functional conditions.
GIRSO. 1998. 83
- Zonta F., Barbieri A., Reguzzoni M., Calligaro A..Quantitative changes in pharmacodynamic parameters of noradrenaline in different rat aorta preparations: influence of endogenous EDRF.
J. Auton Pharmac. 1998;18:129-138.
-Marchetti C., Poggi P., Reguzzoni M., Icaro Cornaglia A., Rodrguez Y Baena R..
Lymphatic vessel system in gingival peri-implant tissues in humans.
J. period. research.1999; 34: 229-231.
-Congiu T., De Eguileor M., Dell' Orbo C., Reguzzoni M..
Oaceration method on cryostat sections.
It. J. Anat. Embriol. 1999; 104(suppl. n°2):58.
-De Eguileor M., Grimaldi A., Tettamanti G., Congiu T., Protasoni M., Reguzzoni M., Valvassori R., Lanzavacchia G.
Ultrastructure and functional versatility of hirudinean botryoidal tissue.
Tissue & Cell. 2001; 33 (4): 332-341.
-Reguzzoni M., Rasini E., Lecchini S., Dell'orbo C.
Stimulated human lymphocytes express tyrosine hydroxylase: ultrastructural immunolocalization.
It J. Anat. Embryol. 2001; 106 (suppl. n° 1): 219.
- Reguzzoni M., Marchetti C.
Different loose bodies in the TMJ articular cavity. Morphological and chemical investigations.
It J. Anat. Embryol. 2001; 106 (suppl. n° 1): 220.
-Valdatta l., Congiu T., Buoro M., Thione A., Faga A., Reguzzoni M.
Effects of microvascular clamp duration on the wall of rat femoral artery
Riv.Ital. Chir. Plastica 2001. 33, 53-58
-Reguzzoni M., Cosentino M., Rasini E., Marino F., Ferrari M., Bombelli R., Congiu T., Protsoni M., Quacci D., Leccini S., Raspanti M., Frigo G.
Ultrastrucural localization of tyrosine hydroxylase in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells:effect of stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin.
Cell & Tissue Research 2002; 310: 297-304.
-Reguzzoni M., Manelli A., Ronga M, Dell?Orbo C.
Morphological and ultrastructural study of collagen meniscus implant,
It J. Embryol 2002; 107: 221,
-Congiu T, Radice R., Quacci D, Reguzzoni M.
Scanning electron microscopy observations on tunica mucosa of human urinary bladder.
It J. Anat. Embryol 2002; 107: 107
-Surace M.F., Zatti G., Manelli A., Reguzzoni M., Cherubino P.
The TMT porous tantalium biomaterial: ultrastructural charatterization.
EORS 2002. O 1-2
-Protasoni M., Congiu T., Reguzzoni M., Grimaldi A.
Light microscopy, TEM, SEM and AFM analisys of the Gordius villoti cuticle.
SISC, 2002, 23.
-Ronga M., Reguzzoni M., Manelli A., Passi A.
Impianto di menisco colaeio nalisi morfologica, ultrastrutturale e molecolare,
(SIOT), 2002: 23
-Valdatta L., Thione A., Buoro M., Tuinder S., Mortarino C., Protasoni M., Reguzzoni M.
Clear visualization of capsular calcifications around breast implants. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2003; 111(4): 1567-1568.
-Sangiorgi S, Manelli A, Congiu T, Reguzzoni M.
Microvascolarizzazione renale: osservazioni al microscopio elettronico a scansione di calchi vascolari.
Curr. Opin. Morphol 2003; 2 : 5
-Bulgheroni P., Ronga M., Reguzzoni M., Passi A., Grassi F.A., Cherubino P.
Collagen Meniscus implant (CMI): early clinical results and implant analysis.
EFORT, 2003. 160-161(03075)
-Cherubino P., Ronga M., Grassi F.A., Bulgheroni P., Reguzzoni M., Angeretti M.G.
Impianto di condrociti autologhi su membrana (MACI). Tecnica di ingegneria tissutale per il trattamento delle lesioni cartilaginee del ginocchio e della caviglia.
GIRC. 2003:18
-Valdatta L., Reguzzoni M., Buoro M. Thione A, Tuinde S, Congiu T
Neurvenous superfcial inferior epigastric flaaps in rats.
Minerva chir. Jun 2003; 58( 3): 361-8
-Protasoni M., de Eguileor M., Congiu T., Grimaldi A., Reguzzoni M.
The extracellular matrix of th cuticle of Gordius panigettensis (Gordioidae, Nematomorpha): observations by TEM, SEM and AFM.
Tissue & Cell Agu 2003; 35,(4): 306-311.
- Protasoni M., Maserati E., Ccchin.. Marotti M., Reguzzoni M.
SEM analysis of ISH painting, centromeric and YAC localisation.
It. J. Anat. Embryol 2003;108 (3 Suppl 2):165
-Reguzzoni M, Manelli A, Ronga M, Dell?Orbo C.
Evolution of the neoformed tissue in human knee collagen meniscus implant
It. J.f Anat Embryol 2003; 108: 168
-Viggiano D, Sangiorgi S, Reguzzoni M, Manelli A, Marano L, Dell'Orbo C, Passiatore C.
A new method to make vascular and bronchial casts of voluminous organs.
Eur J of Morph., 2003; 41 (5), 161-165
-Congiu T., Radice R., Raspanti M. and Reguzzoni M.
3 D tructure of the human urinary bladder mucosa. A Scanning Electron Microscopy study.
J. Subm Cytol Pathol. 2004;36(1), 45-53
-Sangiorgi S, Manelli A, Congiu T, Bini A, Pilato G, Reguzzoni M, Raspanti M
Microvascularization of the human digit studied by corrosion casting
J. Anat 2004, 204, 123-131
-Sangiorgi S, Manelli A, Reguzzoni M, Protasoni M., Congiu T, Raspanti M.
Structure and ultrastructure of microvessels in the kidney seen by the corrosion casting method
It. J. Anat. Embriol 2004; 109(1):35-44
-Congiu T, Sangiorgi S, Manelli A, Protasoni M , Reguzzoni M
3D architecture of basal mambrane in human urinary bladder: osmic maceration to scanning electron microscopy.
FECTS ,2004 . OD1, 44
-Protasoni M, Ronga M, Quacci D, Reguzzoni M.
Rebuilding the human cartilage
It. J. Anat Embryol 2004; 109 (3 suppl 1):166
-Sangiorgi S.Manelli A, De Benedictis A, Reguzzoni M
Plexiform vascular structures in CNS
It. J. Anat Embryol 2004; 109
-*Reguzzoni M., Protasoni M., Maserati ., Pressato B., Manelli A., Raspanti M.
In situ hybridization by scanning electron microscopy for painting, centromeric and YAC localization.
Arch Histol Cytol,2005; 68(2), 115-120.
-*Reguzzoni M, Manelli A, Ronga M, Raspanti M, Grassi FA.
Histology and ultrastructure of a tissue engineered collagen meniscus before and after implantation.
J Bomed MeRs B Appl Biomater. 2005 Aug;74(2):808-16.
-Manelli A, Martini D, Reguzzoni M, Protasoni M, Ronga M.
Porous tantalum biomaterial: morphological analysis of human implants.
7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, 26-30 june 2005, Portoroz, Slovenia. Abstract book 487-488. MCM 2005 Proceedings. ISBN 961-6303-69-4.
-Protasoni M., Reguzzoni M., Dario A., Scamoni C., Quacci D.
Morphological modification in dorsal root ganglion after pulsed radiofrequency procedure.
LIX Congresso Società italiana di Anatomia, Sorrento. 18-21 settembre 2005. Italian J. O68. -*Valdatta L., Fidanza C., Thione A., Benedetta B, Reguzzoni M., Protasoni M.
Experimental study in rats: does varying the hardness of a silicone implant affect the type of capsule that surrounds it? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006 Mar;117(3):1076.
-Protasoni M., Ricci F., Dario A., Reguzzoni M.
Ganglion cells and fibres were modified by pulsed radiofrequency procedure?
LX Congresso Società italiana di Anatomia e Istologia, Pavia. 15-17 settembre 2006. Italian J. Of Anatomy and Embryology 2006; 111, 217.
-Reguzzoni M., Sangiorgi S., Pisani R., Raspanti M., Tomei G.
Sphincteric systems in intraparenchimal cortical vessels: an experimental corrosion casting and transmission electron microscopy study.
LX Congresso Società italiana di Anatomia e Istologia, Pavia. 15-17 settembre 2006. Italian J. Of Anatomy and Embryology 2006; 111, 226.
-*Dario A., Pisani R., Sangiorgi S., Soragna A., Reguzzoni M., Protasoni M., Pessina F., Fesce R., Peres A., Tomei G.
Baclofen and potential therapeutic use: Studies of neuronal survival.Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Sep 8;
Ad oggi (2014) La sua produzione scientifica comprende più di 120 tra lavori scientifici e partecipazioni a congressi di morfologia ultrastrutturale normale e patologica.