“La ricerca di regole applicabili al “commercio” internazionale di armi convenzionali” (Searching for Legal Limits Applicable to International “Trade” in Conventional Arms), Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2021, ISBN 978-88-255-3822-9.
“Comparing Suspension, National Security Exception, and Derogation Clauses in light of Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”, to be further published in G. Pascale, S. Tonolo (eds.), “The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: The Role of the Treaty on Treaties in Contemporary International Law”, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, 2022, pp. 127-154, ISBN 978-88-495-4649-1;
“The Syrian Conflict and Prohibitions of Arms Transfers: What Are States Doing in Order to Implement their International Obligations?”, in H.C. Gunther (ed.), “The Arab Spring and Syrian Crisis: International and Regional Dimensions”, Verlag Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen, 2019, pp. 97-131, ISBN 978-3-95948-438-1;
“Corte di Cassazione, I sezione penale, sentenza del 24 luglio 2008, n. 31171, caso Lozano” (Italian Court of Cassation, Sec. I Criminal, judgment of 24 July 2008, No. 31171, Lozano case), in E. Baroncini (ed.), Il diritto internazionale come strumento di risoluzione delle controversie (International Law as a Tool of Dispute Resolution), Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2018, pp. 119-127, ISBN 978-88-6923-307-4.
- Articles in Reviews and Journals
“I contratti di vendita internazionale di armamenti: questioni di diritto applicabile”, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, vol. 36 (2023), n. 1, pp. 109-148, ISSN 1593-2605;
“Foreword” to the issue “Global Justice: Current Situation and New Challenges” (edited with Silvia Bagni and Annalisa Furia), in Athena – Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and Globalization, vol. 2 (2022), pp. I-VII, ISSN 2724-6299, available at https://athena.unibo.it/article/view/14647/14177;
“The Trial Chamber IX Judgement in the case Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen”, in Rivista OIDU, 2021, pp. 441-449, ISSN 2284-3531;
TDM IACL Case Report Sunreserve Luxco Holdings v Italy (SCC Arbitration V - 2016/32), Final Award of 25 March 2020 (edited with Ignacio Torterola), available at https://www.transnational-dispute-management.com/legal-and-regulatory-detail.asp?key=27271;
''Protezione dei luoghi di cura in Siria: Luci ed ombre del diritto internazionale'' (Protection of Health-Care Places in Syria: Lights and Shadows of International Law), in Rivista OIDU, 2017, pp. 59-77, ISSN 2284-3531;
''Trasferimenti di armi a gruppi armati: Le implicazioni di diritto internazionale per le forniture militari ai Peshmerga in Iraq'' (Transfers of Arms to Armed Groups: International Law Implications for Military Supplies to Peshmerga in Iraq), in Military Law and Law of War Review, vol. 54, 2015-2016, pp. 117-138, ISSN 1370-6209.
- Papers and posters presented at International Conferences and Workshops
“Internal Compliance Program, Arms Trade and Due Diligence: How to Improve the Corporate Human Rights Obligations”, Paper presented at the online workshop “The Arms Trade and the Law”, convened by Natalie Davidson, Tamar Meggido and Yahli Shereshevsky, 10 May 2023;
“The Role of Civil Society for Accomplishing the Rule of Law on Conventional Arms Control: A Domestic Perspective”, Paper presented at the International Workshop “The Rule of Law from Below. Individual and Civil Society as Protectors of the Rule of Law in Troubled Times”, Montaigne Centrum for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice, Utrecht University, 29-30 October 2020;
“Le clausole di deroga ed eccezione per motivi di sicurezza nazionale” (Derogation and Exception Clauses for National Security Purposes), presentation held at the Young Scholars Meeting “Il diritto dei trattati a 50 anni dall’adozione della Convenzione di Vienna” (Law of Treaties at Fifty Years from the Adoption of Vienna Convention), University of Trieste (Italy), 30 September-1st October 2019;
“The Legal Legacy of the League of Nations on Disarmament Law”, presentation held at the international workshop “The Legacy of the League of Nations”, Centre for European Law and Internationalization (CELI), University of Leicester, 31 January 2019;
“International Law between Pressure and Bottom-up Approach: Participation of Civil Society in Complying with International Obligations of States”, paper presented at the BISA International Law and Politics Workshop “International Law under Pressure”, 19th November 2018, University of Glasgow;
“Participation of Civil Society in Sustainable Development and Fair Trade: A New Frontier for International Cooperation”, presentation held at the International Conference “Supranational Democracy. A Dialogue among Scholars, Civil Society and Creative Thinkers on Global Democratic Solutions to Global Challenges”, University of Salento - Department of Legal Sciences, Lecce (Italy), 26-27 April 2018;
“The Meanings of 'Cultural Diversity' and 'Intangible Cultural Heritage' in International Criminal Law”, Poster presented at the International Conference “UNESCO World Heritage between Education and Economy: A Legal Analysis”. Ravenna, Italy, 27-28/10/2016.