foto di Bonapace Marc  Ian


Professori associati
Orario di ricevimento:

Tuesday 14,30-17

Wednesday 14,30-17

Numero telefonico
0331 339 405,0331 339 452



Surname and Name:              Bonapace Ian Marc

Place and date of birth:          Suresnes (France) - 12 August 1956

C.F.:                                       BNPNRC56M12Z110F

Work address:                       Via Manara 7, 21052 – Busto Arsizio – ITALY

Telephone:                             +39 0331 339452 or 05

Mobile phone                          +39 333 4259830

Fax:                                        +39 0331 339459

e-mail:                                    [email protected]




1975-82:         “Laurea Universitaria” (Master Degree) in Biological Sciences - 27 January 1982 - score 110/110 - Uni­ver­si­ty of Naples, Naples - Italy;

1987-91:         Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Pathology - II School of Medicine - “Federico II University” - Naples - Italy.






Current Position    

2001 to present   “Assistant Professor” at the Dept. of Biotechnology and Life Sciences (DBSV) of the University of Insubria, Varese - ITALY.

Former Positions

2005-08      ‘Guest Scientist’ at the Département de Biologie et Génomique Structurales – IGBMC (Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire) – Strasbourg, France

1997-01      “Postdoctoral Associated” at the European Institute of Oncology – Milan - Italy

1993-94             “Postdoctoral Associated” at the Institute of General Pathology and Oncology of the 2nd University of Naples - Italy

1982           “Postdoctoral Associated” at the “Section of Mole­cu­lar and Cellular Biology“ - Cornell University – Ithaca, NY - USA.





2013-18     Italian Flagship Program - Epigen

To investigate the epigenetic basis of the apparent paradox of the co-existence of global hypo and site-specific hyper-methylation of DNA during cancer progression. 600.000 €

2010-13     Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) - Italia.

Role of UHRF1/2, essential for DNA methylation, in epigenetic gene silencing of tumour-suppressors. 250.000 €

2009-10     Programmi di ricerca scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN) – Italia (Scientific programs of national interest).

La cromatina come substrato d'interrelazione nella dinamica tra replicazione del DNA ed espressione genica (Chromatin as a substrate in the dynamic interrelation between DNA replication and gene expression). 119.000 €

2007-09     Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) - Italia.

The role of Np95 in pericentromeric heterochromatin formation and stability. 150.000 €

2005-08     Programmi per l'incentivazione del processo d’internazionalizzazione del sistema universitario - (D.M. 5 agosto 2004 n. 262 - ART. 23) collaborazioni interuniversitarie internazionali. Cooperazione Italo-Francese (Programs to encourage the process of internationalization of the national university system - International interuniversity Collaborations. Italo-French cooperation).

Il ruolo di Np95/ICBP90, una proteina essenziale alla proliferazione cellulare, nella replicazione eterocromatica, la soluzione della sua struttura 3D e l'individuazione dei suoi domini funzionali (The role of NP95 / ICBP90, a protein essential to cell proliferation, in heterochromatic replication, the solution of its 3D structure and the identification of its functional domains). 24.000 €

2005-07     Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF) - USA.

The isolation of protein complexes involving MeCP2 and Np95: Understanding their roles in the structural organisation of heterochromatin. 100.000 US dollars

2003-06     Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) - Italia.

The role of Np95, an essential protein for S phase entry, on chromatin modifications during DNA replication. 105.000 €


FUNDING as Research Unit

2013-15      Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) - Italia. Carcinogen–induced Epigenetic Switching in Human Retroelements: a Mechanistic Study on Benzene Effects. 90.000€

2012-14     Directorate general political and affairs of the foreign affaire, Italy.

Quantitative assessment of gene-environment interaction in cultured nasal epithelial cells exposed to fine air-pollution using an in vitro simulator of nasal breathing. 120.000 €

2005-07     Fondazione Cariplo – Progetto Nobel. Italia

Genetic and Epigenetic control of genome stability. 30.000 Euro


Anno Accademico: 2022/2023

Anno Accademico: 2021/2022

Anno Accademico: 2020/2021

Anno Accademico: 2019/2020

Anno Accademico: 2018/2019

Anno Accademico: 2017/2018

Anno Accademico: 2016/2017