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Francesco Ginelli holds a PhD in theoretical Physics from the University of Florence (Italy) and graduated in Physics at the University of Milan (Italy). Since September 1st 2019 he is Associate Professor in theoretical physics at the University of Insubria, Dipartimento di Scienza ed Alta Tecnologia, in Como, Italy.

Between June 2012 and August 2019, he has been Lecturer (2012-2014), Senior Lecturer (2014-2017) and Reader (2017-2019) at the Physics Department of the University of Aberdeen, UK.

From mid 2011 to mid 2012 he has held a researcher (assistant professor) position at the CNR Complex System Institute of Rome (Italy). Between 2007 and 2011 he has been awarded a three years visiting researcher grant at the CNRS Complex System Institute of Paris-Ile-de-France (France) and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Florence. He has also been a post-doctoral fellow at the Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé, CEA/Saclay (France, 2005-2007), and at the department of physics and astronomy of Wuerzburg University (Germany, 2004-2005).

While in Aberdeen, FG has supervised one postdoctoral researcher and four graduate students.

In Aberdeen, FG has received research funds for over one million EUR. He has been the leading PI of an RC-UK EPSRC First Grant “Response to Perturbations in Active matter systems” (2013-2015) and of an EU funded Marie Curie Career Integration Grant “PIFS” (2013-2017). He has also been one of the Aberdeen co-PIs of the Horizon2020 Marie Curie-Sklodowska European Joint Doctorate “COSMOS” (2015-2019).

FG is author of 50 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals (ISI WoS: total citations over 2000, h-index: 22. Google Scholar: total citations over 3000, h-index: 27) and has been invited to speak at around 40 international conferences, including a plenary talk at Dynamics Days Europe 2011. His research activity is focused on non-equilibrium statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics, with a particular interest in collective phenomena and active matter systems.

FG also serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Statistical Physics and is active in public science initiatives such as Café’ Scientifique or other popularization initiatives.

In 2017 FG has received the Italian Scientific Qualification to Full Professor in Theoretical Physics and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics. He holds analogous qualifications from the French higher education system.