Pasquaré Mariotto F., Drymoni K., Bonali F.L., Corti N., Oppizzi P. (2023). Geosite Assessment and Communication: A Review. RESOURCES, 12(2), 29.
Drymoni K., Russo E., Tibaldi A., Corti N., Bonali F.L., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2022). Dyke-induced graben formation in a heterogeneous succession on Mt. Etna: Insights from field observations and FEM numerical models. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 433, 107712. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107712.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Gaidzik, K. (2022). Editorial: Extensional basins associated with collisional tectonics FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 10, 1066834.
Tibaldi A., Bonali, F.L., Corti N., Russo E., Drymoni K., De Beni E., Branca S., Neri M., Cantarero M., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2022). Surface deformation during the 1928 fissure eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy): Insights from field data and FEM numerical modelling . TECTONOPHYSICS 837, 229468. 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229468.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F.; Bonali, F.L.; Tibaldi, A.; De Beni, E.; Corti, N.; Russo, E.; Fallati, L.; Cantarero, M.; Neri, M. (2022). A New Way to Explore Volcanic Areas: QR-Code-Based Virtual Geotrail at Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy. LAND, 11, 377.
Bonali, F.L.; Russo, E.; Vitello, F.; Antoniou, V.; Marchese, F.; Fallati, L.; Bracchi, V.; Corti, N.; Savini, A.; Whitworth, M.; Drymoni, K.; Pasquaré Mariotto, F.; Nomikou, P.; Sciacca, E.; Bressan, S.; Falsaperla, S.; Reitano, D.; van Wyk de Vries, B.; Krokos, M.; Panieri, G.; Stiller-Reeve, M.A.; Vizzari, G.; Becciani, U.; Tibaldi, A. (2022) How Academics and the Public Experienced Immersive Virtual Reality for Geo-Education. GEOSCIENCES, 12, 9.
Tibaldi, A., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Oppizzi, P., Mebonia, L., Chania, J. (2021). Slope deformation, reservoir variation and meteorological data at the Khoko landslide, Enguri hydroelectric basin (Georgia), during 2016-2019. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 13(7), 3321–3335.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Antoniou, V., Drymoni, K., Karatzaferis, O., Vlasopoulos, Ο. (2021). Virtual geosite communication through a Webgis platform: A case study from Santorini Island . APPLIED SCIENCES, 11(12), 5466.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Bonali, F.L. (2021). Virtual geosites as innovative tools for geoheritage popularization: A case study from Eastern Iceland. GEOSCIENCES, 11(4), 149.
Corti N., Bonali FL, Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A., Russo E., Rigoni V., Bressan S. (2021) Fracture Kinematics and Holocene Stress Field at the Krafla Rift, Northern Iceland. GEOSCIENCES, 11, 101.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Bonali FL (2021). Virtual Geosites as Innovative Tools for Geoheritage Popularization: A Case Study from Eastern Iceland GEOSCIENCES, 11, 149.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Oppizzi, P. (2021) Extensometer-based monitoring of active deformation at the Khoko landslide (Jivari, Georgia). Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 443–450.
Tibaldi A., Babayev, G., Bonali, FL. Pasquaré Mariotto F., Russo E., Tsereteli, N., Corti, N. (2021). Active Kinematics of the Greater Caucasus from Seismological and GPS Data: A Review. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp.33-57.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Bonali FL, Venturini C. (2021). Tectonic Control Over the Abuli Samsari Volcanic Ridge, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 241-261.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A., Bonali FL. (2021). An Overview of the 20-Year Collaboration Between NATO and Earth Scientists to Assess Geohazards in the Caucasus and Other Critical Regions. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 13-30.
Bonali FL, Corti N, Russo E., Marchese F., Fallati L., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A. (2021). Commercial-UAV-based Structure from Motion for geological and geohazard studies. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 389-427.
Tibaldi A., Bonali FL., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Corti, N., Russo, E., Einarsson, P, Hjartardottir AR (2020). Rifting Kinematics Produced by Magmatic and Tectonic Stresses in the North Volcanic Zone of Iceland. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
Tibaldi A., Corti N., Bonali FL., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Russo E. (2020). Along-rift propagation of Pleistocene-Holocene faults from a central volcano. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 141, 104201.
Corti N., Bonali FL, Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A., Russo E., Rigoni V., Bressan S. (2021) Fracture Kinematics and Holocene Stress Field at the Krafla Rift, Northern Iceland. GEOSCIENCES, 11, 101.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Bonali FL (2021). Virtual Geosites as Innovative Tools for Geoheritage Popularization: A Case Study from Eastern Iceland GEOSCIENCES, 11, 149.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Oppizzi, P. (2021) Extensometer-based monitoring of active deformation at the Khoko landslide (Jivari, Georgia). Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 443–450.
Tibaldi A., Babayev, G., Bonali, FL. Pasquaré Mariotto F., Russo E., Tsereteli, N., Corti, N. (2021). Active Kinematics of the Greater Caucasus from Seismological and GPS Data: A Review. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp.33-57.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Bonali FL, Venturini C. (2021). Tectonic Control Over the Abuli Samsari Volcanic Ridge, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 241-261.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A., Bonali FL. (2021). An Overview of the 20-Year Collaboration Between NATO and Earth Scientists to Assess Geohazards in the Caucasus and Other Critical Regions. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 13-30.
Bonali FL, Corti N, Russo E., Marchese F., Fallati L., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A. (2021). Commercial-UAV-based Structure from Motion for geological and geohazard studies. Building Knowledge for Geohazard Assessment and Management in the Caucasus and other Orogenic Regions, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, pp. 389-427.
Tibaldi A., Bonali FL., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Corti, N., Russo, E., Einarsson, P, Hjartardottir AR (2020). Rifting Kinematics Produced by Magmatic and Tectonic Stresses in the North Volcanic Zone of Iceland. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
Tibaldi A., Corti N., Bonali FL., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Russo E. (2020). Along-rift propagation of Pleistocene-Holocene faults from a central volcano. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 141, 104201.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Bonali F.L., Venturini C. (2020). Iceland, an Open-Air Museum for Geoheritage and Earth Science Communication Purposes. RESOURCES, Vol 9, https://doi:10.3390/resources9020014.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Venturini C. (2019). Birth and evolution of the Paleocarnic Chain in the Southern Alps: a review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES,
Bonali, F., Tibaldi, A., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Saviano, D., Meloni, A., & Sajovitz, P. (2019). Geometry, oblique kinematics and extensional strain variation along a diverging plate boundary: The example of the northern Theistareykir Fissure Swarm, NE Iceland. TECTONOPHYSICS, 756, 57-72.
Tibaldi A., Bonali F.L., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Russoa E., Ranieri Tenti L.M. (2019). The development of divergent margins: Insights from the North Volcanic Zone, Iceland. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 509, pag. 1-8.
Venturini, C., Pasquaré Mariotto, F. (2019). Geoheritage Promotion Through an Interactive Exhibition: a Case Study from the Carnic Alps, NE Italy. GEOHERITAGE, vol. 11, pag. 459-469.
Tibaldi, A., Bonali, F.L., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Russo, E. (2018). Differentiating lava slip planes from tectonic faults: A key issue in structural geology. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, vol. 171, pag. 238-247.
Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Biavaschi, P. (2018). Approvvigionamento idrico cittadino e conseguenze giuridiche a seguito di eventi geologici e climatici al tramonto dell’antichità, in “Ravenna Capitale. Il diritto delle acque nell’Occidente tardoantico: utilità comune e interessi privati”, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, pag. 27-46.
Bonali, F.L., Tibaldi, A., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Russo, E. (2018). Interplay between inherited rift faults and strike-slip structures: Insights from analogue models and field data from Iceland. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, vol. 171, pag. 88-109.
Tibaldi, A., Korzhenkov, A.M., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Rust, D., Tsereteli, N. (2018). NATO and earth scientists: An ongoing collaboration to assess geohazards and contribute to societal security in Central Asia and the Caucasus. EPISODES, vol. 41, pag. 193-205.
Tibaldi, A., Bonali, F.L., Russo, E., Pasquarè Mariotto, F. (2018). Structural development and stress evolution of an arcuate fold-and-thrust system, southwestern Greater Caucasus, Republic of Georgia, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, vol. 156, pag. 226-245.
O. Varazanashvili, N. Tsereteli, F. L. Bonali, V. Arabidze, E. Russo, F. Pasquaré Mariotto, Z. Gogoladze A. Tibaldi N. Kvavadze, P. Oppizzi (2018). GeoInt: the first macroseismic intensity database for the Republic of Georgia. JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, vol. 22, pag. 625-667.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Venturini C. (2017). Strategies and Tools for Improving Earth Science Education and Popularization in Museums. GEOHERITAGE, vol. 9, pag.187-194.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Venturini C. (2017). 2014, The ‘‘year without a summer’’ in Italy: news media coverage and implications for the climate change debate. ENVIRONMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 19, pag. 1367 - 1380.
Tibaldi A., Bonali F.L., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2016). Interaction between Transform Faults and Rift Systems: A Combined Field and Experimental Approach. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCES, doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00033.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Tibaldi A. (2016). Inversion kinematics at deep-seated gravity slope deformations revealed by trenching techniques. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 16, pag. 663-674.
Tibaldi A., Bonali F.L., Einarsson P., Hjartardtottir A., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2016). Partitioning of Holocene kinematics and interaction between the Theistareykir Fissure Swarm and the Husavik-Flatey Fault, North Iceland. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, vol. 83, pag. 134-155.
Candela A., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2016). Italian news coverage of radiation in the early decades of the twentieth century: A qualitative and quantitative analysis. PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE, vol. 25, pag. 236-251.
Tibaldi A., Corazzato C., Rust D., Bonali F.L., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Korzhenkov A.M., Oppizzi P., Bonzanigo L. (2015). Tectonic and gravity-induced deformation along the active Talas-Fergana Fault, Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan. TECTONOPHYSICS, vol. 657, pag. 38-62.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Bonali F., TIbaldi A., Rust D., Oppizzi P., Cavallo A. (2015). Holocene displacement field at an emerged oceanic transform-ridge junction: the Husavik-Flatey Fault - Gudfinnugja Fault system, North Iceland. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, vol. 75, pag. 118-134.
Tibaldi A., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2015). Structural geology of active tectonic areas and volcanic regions. 219 pagine. Lulu Press Incorporated, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. ISBN 9781326188184
Gudmundsson A., Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A. (2014). Dykes, Sills, Laccoliths and Inclined Sheets in Iceland. ADVANCES IN VOLCANOLOGY, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/111.57_2014_1.
Venturini C., Pasquaré F. (2013). Strategie di comunicazione delle Scienze della Terra. MUSEOLOGIA SCIENTIFICA, vol. 29, pag. 38-44.
Tibaldi A., Bonali F., Pasquaré F., Rust D., Cavallo A., D'Urso A. (2013). Structure of regional dykes and local cone sheets in the Midhyrna-Lysuskard area, Snaefellsnes Peninsula (NW Iceland). BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, vol. 75, pag. 1-16.
Nomikou P., Papanikolaou D., Tibaldi A., Carey S., Livanos I., Bell K.L.C., Pasquaré F. and Rousakis G. (2013). The Detection of volcanic debris avalanches along the Hellenic volcanic arc,through marine geophysical techniques. In: Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences. ADVANCES IN NATURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL HAZARDS RESEARCH, vol. 37, pag. 339-349. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
Pasquaré F., Bettinetti R., Fumagalli S., Vignati D. (2013). Public health benefits and risks of fish consumption: current scientific evidence v. media coverage. PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, vol. 16, pag. 1885-1892.
Pasquare' F., Oppizzi P. (2012). How do the media affect public perception of climate change and geohazards? An Italian case study. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, vol. 90-91, pag. 152-157.
Bistacchi A., Tibaldi A., Pasquare' F., Rust D. (2012). The association of cone-sheets and radial dykes: Data from the Isle of Skye (UK), numerical modelling, and implications for shallow magma chambers. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 339-340, pag. 46-56.
Tibaldi A., Pasquare' F., Rust D. (2011). New insights into the cone sheet structure of the Cuillin Complex, Isle of Skye, Scotland. JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 168, pag. 689-704.
Pasquare' F., Tormey D., Vezzoli L., Okrostsvaridze A., Tutberidze B. (2011). Mitigating the consequences of extreme events on strategic facilities: Evaluation of volcanic and seismic risk affecting the Caspian oil and gas pipelines in the Republic of Georgia. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol. 92, pag. 1774-1782.
Tibaldi A., Pasquare' F.A., Pianaro G. (2011). Geologia strutturale, tecniche paleosismologiche e datazioni OSL applicate all'analisi delle deformazioni quaternarie in Val Bregaglia (Alpi Centrali). In: La Valchiavenna: un bacino pilota per il controllo dell'ambiente alpino. pag. 197-205, MILANO:CNR, ISBN: 9788886596121.
Tibaldi A., Pasquaré F., Tormey D. (2010). Volcanism in Reverse and Strike-Slip Fault Settings. In: Cloetingh S, Negendank J . New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences. pag. 315-348, NEW YORK:Springer, ISBN: 9789048127368.
Tibaldi A, Vezzoli L, Pasquaré F., Rust D. (2008). Strike-slip fault tectonics and the emplacement of sheetelaccolith systems: The Thverfell case study (SW Iceland). JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, vol. 30, pag. 274-290.
Tibaldi A, Pasquaré F., Papanikolaou D, Nomikou P. (2008). Tectonics of Nisyros Island, Greece, by field and offshore data, and analogue modelling. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, vol. 30, pag. 1489-1506.
Tibaldi A, Pasquaré F., Papanikolaou D., Nomikou P. (2008). Discovery of a huge sector collapse at the Nisyros volcano, Greece, by on-land and offshore geological-structural data. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, vol. 177, pag. 485-499.
Mazzarini F., Fornaciai A., Bistacchi A, Pasquaré F. (2008). Fissural volcanism, polygenetic volcanic fields, and crustal thickness in the Payen Volcanic Complex on the central Andes foreland (Mendoza, Argentina). GEOCHEMISTRY, GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 9, pag. 1-17.
Tibaldi A, Corazzato C, Apuani T, Pasquaré F, Vezzoli L. (2008). Geological-structural framework of Stromboli Volcano, past collapses, and their influence on the events of the 2002-03 crisis. In: Calvari S., Inguaggiato S, Puglisi G, Ripepe G, Rosi M. The Stromboli Volcano: an integrated study of the 2002-2003 eruption. Geophysical Monograph Series 182, pag. 5-17, American Geophysical Union, ISBN: 9780875904474.
Tibaldi A., Pasquaré F. (2008). A new mode of inner volcano growth: The flower intrusive structure. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 271, p. 202-208.
Tibaldi A, Corazzato C, Kozhurin A, Lagmay A., Pasquaré F., Ponomareva V., Rust D., Tormey D., Vezzoli L (2008). Influence of substrate tectonic heritage on the evolution of composite volcanoes: Predicting sites of flank eruption, lateral collapse, and erosion. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, vol. 61, pag. 151-174.
Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A. (2007). Structure of a cone sheet swarm unraveling the interplay between tectonic and magma stresses at Mt. Esja, SW Iceland. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, vol. 161, pag. 131-150.
Tibaldi A., Pasquaré F. (2007). Quaternary deformations along the Engadine-Gruf tectonic system, Swiss-Italian Alps. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, vol. 23, pag. 475-487.
Leroy S.A.G, Michetti A.M., Pasquaré F. (2007). Dark Nature. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, vol. 173-174, pag. 1-3.
Pasquaré F., Pozzetti M. (2007). Geological hazards, disasters and the media: The italian case study. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, vol. 173-174, pag. 166-171.
Tibaldi A., Bistacchi A., Pasquaré F., Vezzoli L. (2006). Extensional tectonics and volcano lateral collapses: insights from Ollagüe volcano (Chile-Bolivia) and analogue modelling.. TERRA NOVA, vol. 18, pag. 282-289.
Pasquaré F., Pozzetti M. (2004). Accettabilità sociale degli impianti eolici e ruolo della comunicazione ambientale. AMBIENTE RISORSE SALUTE, vol. 97, pag. 22-25.
Groppelli G., Pasquaré F. (2004). Nuovi contributi alla ricostruzione della stratigrafia vulcanica dell?area di Capo Passero, Sicilia Sud-orientale, nel quadro del vulcanismo del Cretacico superiore nel Plateau Ibleo. BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA, vol. 123, pag. 275-289.
Comerci V., Molin, F., Pasquaré F. (2003). Risposta sismica dell'area urbana di Rieti in occasione del terremoto del 27 giugno 1898 nel bacino di Vazia (RI). BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA, vol. 122, pag. 147-156.
Greco M., Marasciulo T., Pasquaré F., Pistocchi L., Spiniello O., Serva L. (2003). La colata di Poggio Ferrato (PV); analisi dei fattori all'origine del dissesto e ipotesi di lavoro per la mitigazione del rischio--The Poggio Ferrato Mudflow; analysis of causes and working hypotesis for hazard mitigation. GEOLOGIA TECNICA E AMBIENTALE,vol. 3, pag. 5-14.
Tartarotti P., Pasquaré F. (2003). Basaltic breccias in the upper oceanic crust, Hole 504B (Costa Rica Rift, Pacific Ocean). OFIOLITI, vol. 28 (1), pag. 31-39.
Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A. (2003). Do transcurrent faults guide volcano growth? The case of NW Bicol Volcanic Arc, Luzon, Philippines. TERRA NOVA, vol. 15, pag. 204-212.
Pasquaré F.. (2002), Caratterizzazione dell’eruzione del vulcano Kilauea (Hawaii) dal 1983 ad oggi, con analisi dell’attività del lago di lava del Pu’u O’o. Istituto Lombardo (Rend Sc.), B 136, pag. 1-18
Pasquaré F., Sisti L. (2000). Le Linee guida dell’ANPA per l’applicazione delle Agende 21 locali. Ambiente e Sicurezza - Il Sole 24Ore, n.7, pag. 16-19.
Benciolini L., Pasquaré G., Pasquaré F. (1999). Studio dei contatti fra corpi subvulcanici del Triassico medio e rocce sedimentarie incassanti nel Sudalpino Centrale (Valcamonica-Val Trompia). In Orombelli G. Ed., Studi geografici e geologici in onore di Severino Belloni. Univ. Studi Milano. Univ. Studi Milano-Bicocca. Glauco Brigati, Genova, 19-34.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2019). Monitoring deformation at the Khoko landslide using state-of-the-art extensometers. 2019 Tbilisi NATO Workshop. Science for Peace and Security programme – ARW G5566. Tbilisi, 8-10 October 2019.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2019) NATO and Earth Scientists: An ongoing collaboration aimed at tackling geohazards and related risks. 2019 Tbilisi NATO Workshop. Science for Peace and Security programme – ARW G5566. Tbilisi, 8-10 October 2019.
Sharia T., Tsereteli N., Bonali F.L., Tibaldi A., Russo E., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2017). Intensity prediction equation for Georgia. IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly,. 30 July – 4 August 2017, Kobe, Japan.
Tibaldi A., Bonali F.L., Rigoni V., Pasquarè Mariotto F., Tsereteli N. (2016). "Compressional tectonics and volcanism in Lesser and Greater Caucasus". In: From Deep Earth to Surface processes: integrating lithosphere dynamics with rift basins and margins, (Eds: B. Van Wyk de Vries and A. Tibaldi), Proceedings meeting TOPO-EUROPE-ILP, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2-6 October 2016.
Bonali F.L., Tibaldi A., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Einarsson P., Rust D., Hjartardòttir A. (2016). "Rift-transform fault interactions: A textbook example from Northern Iceland". In: From Deep Earth to Surface processes: integrating lithosphere dynamics with rift basins and margins, (Eds: B. Van Wyk de Vries and A. Tibaldi), Proceedings meeting TOPO-EUROPE-ILP, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2-6 October 2016.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2015). "Emergenze climatiche e rischi geologici, fra scienza e comunicazione". Conferenza con dibattito conclusivo presso la Biblioteca Civica di Luino (VA), 26 novembre 2015.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2015). "Results of a NATO-funded project (2007-2009): Evaluation of volcanic and seismic risk affecting the Caspian oil and gas pipelines in the Republic of Georgia”. Kickoff Meeting of NATO Science for Peace Project G4934. Tbilisi State University (Georgia). 3 novembre 2015.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2015). “Communicating risk in a highly complex environment: the Vesuvius Volcano-Phlegrean Fields area, southern Italy”. International Conference “35 years of ILP – Celebrating excellence in Solid Earth Science”. GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam, Germania, 21-23 settembre 2015.
Rust D., Tibaldi A., Bonali F., Pasquarè Mariotto, F. (2015). “Active structural interactions at a rift-transform triple junction, NE Iceland”. International Conference “35 years of ILP – Celebrating excellence in Solid Earth Science”. GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam, Germania, 21-23 settembre 2015.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2014)."Il rischio climatico le emergenze idrogeologiche". Intervento presso il Convegno "Acqua, forza della natura, linguaggio della natura". Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, 3 ottobre 2014.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2014). "Emergenze ambientali e mass media". Conferenza nell'ambito dell'iniziativa pubblica "Parole di Scienza", Notte dei Ricercatori, 26 settembre 2014, Varese.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2014). "I rischi e le emergenze geologico-ambientali: percezione pubblica e rappresentazione mediatica". Conferenza per i dottorandi dell'Università di Pavia, 20 febbraio 2014.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2013). "Print and TV media representation of climate change: An Italian case study". International Conference "Knowledge, beliefs, representations in understanding climate issues. University of Paris and CNRS, Paris, November 29, 2013.
Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2013). "La rappresentazione dei disastri ambientali da parte dei media italiani". Giornata Scientifica "15 anni di ricerca in Scienze della Terra all’Insubria", Como, 23 ottobre 2013.
Pasquaré Mariotto F., Venturini C. (2013). "Innovative strategies to maximize the educational value of Earth Science exhibition panels". In: Epitome - Geolitalia 2013. Pisa, 16-18 settembre 2013.
Venturini C., Pasquaré Mariotto F. (2013). "A new conceptual grid for Earth Science communication: ‘formed, deformed, moulded’. In: Epitome - Geolitalia 2013. Pisa, 16-18 settembre 2013.
Nomikou P., Papanikolaou D., Tibaldi A., Carey S., Livanos I., Bell K.., Pasquaré F.A., Rousakis G. (2013). "The detection of Volcanic Debris Avalanches along the Hellenic Volcanic Arc, through marine geophysical techniques". 6th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 23rd - 25th September 2013 at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. Abstract ID: 67.
Nomikou P., Papanikolaou D., Tibaldi A., Carey S., Croff K., Pasquaré F., Livanos I. (2012). "Debris Avalancches along the South Aegean Volcanic Arc". Vol.12, EGU2012-5505-1, 22-27 April, Vienna 2012.
Pasquaré F., Pozzetti M. (2010). "Scienza e media: una relazione "a rischio". Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Comunicazione della Scienza. Trieste, 27-29 novembre 2010.
Tibaldi A., Bistacchi A., Pasquaré F., Rust D. (2009). "A new model for cone sheet emplacement: data from the Isle of Skye (UK) and numerical modeling". AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December, 2009. Abstracts (pag.V21H-02).
Pasquaré F., Pozzetti M. (2009). Eventi catastrofici naturali: analisi dell'informazione italiana. In: Pitrelli N., Ramani D., Sturloni G.. Atti del VII Convegno Nazionale sulla Comunicazione della Scienza, vol. 1, p. 159-166, Polimetrica, ISBN: 9788876991653.
Pasquaré F., Lorenzini M. (2009). "The Controversy over Italian Nuclear Waste Burial Plans: The Role of the Print Media". In: Tibaldi A., Van Wyk de Vries B., Hoffer G. Abstract Volume of the ILP Joint Task Force Meeting 2009. Clermont Ferrand, 5-9 ottobre 2009, vol. 1, pag. 14-15.
Tibaldi A., Pasquaré F., Rust D. (2009). "Structural Analysis of Cone Sheets within the Cuillin Complex, Isle of Skye, Scotland". In: Tibaldi A., Van Wyk de Vries B., Hoffer G.. ILP Joint Task Force Meeting. Clermont Ferrand, 5-9 ottobre 2009, vol. 1, p. 82-83
Pasquaré F. (2009). "Interactive multimedia tools for Earth science teaching: the case study of volcanic hazard". In: Epitome - Geolitalia 2009. Rimini, 9-11 settembre 2009, p. 30, Bologna.
Tormey D., Tibaldi A., Pasquaré F. (2008). "Interplay between magmatc activity and sector collapse illustrated by Planchon volcano (Andean southern volcanic zone) and Stromboli volcano (Aleolian Arc)". In: The 33rd International Geological Congress. Oslo, 6-14 agosto 2008, Oslo
Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A., Papanikolaou D., Nomikou P. (2008). Discovery of a huge sector collapse at the resurgent caldera of Nisyros, Greece, by on land and offshore geological-structural data. In: The 33rd International Geological Congress. Oslo, 6-14 agosto 2008, Oslo
Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A., Tormey D. (2008). From magma intrusions to eruptions: The control of tectonic stresses and topography. In: The 33rd International Geological Congress. Oslo, 6-14 agosto 2008, Oslo.
Tibaldi A., Pasquaré F., Papanikolaou D., Nomikou P. (2008). Growth and failure of volcanoes: A lesson from Nisyros (Greece) by field and offshore data, and analogue modelling. Ensenada ILP Congress Baja California (Mexico). GEOS. Boletin de la Union Geofisica Mexicana vol.28, n.1, p. 36.
Rust D., Tibaldi A., Vezzoli L., Pasquaré F. (2008). Controls on emplacement of Hypabissal sheets: Insights from the eroded Thverfell volcanic centre in Iceland. Ensenada ILP Congress Baja California (Mexico). GEOS. Boletin de la Union Geofisica Mexicana vol.28, n.1, p. 40.
Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A., Graziotto E., Benciolini L., Bedoni L. (2007). Sector collapses at calderas: an example from Nisyros, Hellenic Arc. Geociencias 2007. 2nda convención Cubana des ciencias de la tierra. La Havana, Cuba, 20-23 Marzo 2007.
Rust D., Tibaldi A., Corazzato C., Pasquaré F., Tormey D., Vezzoli L. (2007). Edifice substrate influences on volcanoes. In: ESF/LESC Exploratory Workshop EW06-030. Sovata, Romania, 4-7 settembre 2007, vol. 1, p. 18-19.
Pasquaré F., Tibaldi A. (2006). Tectonic forces vs. magma forces in the emplacement of sheet complexes, laccoliths and dykes in the Esja area, southwestern Iceland. In: Thompson K.. LASI II - Physical geology of subvolcanic systems: Laccoliths, SIlls and Dykes), in press on Visual Geosciences, Springer. Isola di Skye, Scozia, 1-3 April 2006, vol. 1, p. 65-66.
Pasquaré F. (2005). Monitoring Media Coverage of Natural Hazards in Italy. Final Meeting, Dark Nature - Rapid Natural Change and Human Responses. Como, 6-10 settembre 2005.