Falakdin, P., Terzaghi, E., Di Guardo, A., 2022. Spatially resolved environmental fate models: A review. Chemosphere 290, 133394.
Palladini, J., Bagnati, R., Passoni, A., Davoli, E., Lanno, A., Terzaghi, E., Falakdin, P., Di Guardo, A., 2022. Bioaccumulation of PCBs and their hydroxy and sulfonated metabolites in earthworms: Comparing lab and field results. Environmental Pollution 293, 118507.
Terzaghi, E., Raspa, G., Zanardini, E., Morosini, C., Anelli, S., Armiraglio, S., Di Guardo, A., 2022. Life cycle exposure of plants considerably affects root uptake of PCBs: Role of growth strategies and dissolved/particulate organic carbon variability. Journal of Hazardous Materials 421, 126826.
Morosini, C., Terzaghi, E., Raspa, G., Zanardini, E., Anelli, S., Armiraglio, S., Petranich, E., Covelli, S., Di Guardo, A., 2021. Mercury vertical and horizontal concentrations in agricultural soils of a historically contaminated site: Role of soil properties, chemical loading, and cultivated plant species in driving its mobility. Environmental Pollution 285, 117467.
Quant, M.I., Feigis, M., Mistry, S., Lei, Y.D., Mitchell, C.P.J., Staebler, R., Di Guardo, A., Terzaghi, E., Wania, F., 2021. Using Passive Air Samplers to Quantify Vertical Gaseous Elemental Mercury Concentration Gradients Within a Forest and Above Soil. Geophys Res Atmos 126.
Terzaghi, E., Alberti, E., Raspa, G., Zanardini, E., Morosini, C., Anelli, S., Armiraglio, S., Di Guardo, A., 2021. A new dataset of PCB half-lives in soil: Effect of plant species and organic carbon addition on biodegradation rates in a weathered contaminated soil. Science of The Total Environment 750, 141411.
Terzaghi, E., Falakdin, P., Fattore, E., Di Guardo, A., 2021b. Estimating temporal and spatial levels of PAHs in air using rain samples and SPME analysis: Feasibility evaluation in an urban scenario. Science of The Total Environment 762, 144184.
Terzaghi, E., Posada-Baquero, R., Di Guardo, A., Ortega-Calvo, J.-J., 2021c. Microbial degradation of pyrene in holm oak (Quercus ilex) phyllosphere: Role of particulate matter in regulating bioaccessibility. Science of The Total Environment 786, 147431.
Terzaghi, E., De Nicola, F., Cerabolini, B.E.L., Posada-Baquero, R., Ortega-Calvo, J.-J., Di Guardo, A., 2020. Role of photo- and biodegradation of two PAHs on leaves: Modelling the impact on air quality ecosystem services provided by urban trees. Science of The Total Environment 739, 139893.
Terzaghi, E., Vergani, L., Mapelli, F., Borin, S., Raspa, G., Zanardini, E., Morosini, C., Anelli, S., Nastasio, P., Sale, V.M., Armiraglio, S., Di Guardo, A., 2020. New Data Set of Polychlorinated Dibenzo- p-dioxin and Dibenzofuran Half-Lives: Natural Attenuation and Rhizoremediation Using Several Common Plant Species in a Weathered Contaminated Soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54, 10000–10011.
Terzaghi, E., Vitale, C.M., Di Guardo, A., 2020. Modelling peak exposure of pesticides in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: importance of dissolved organic carbon and vertical particle movement in soil. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 31, 19–32.
Terzaghi, E., Vitale, C.M., Salina, G., Di Guardo, A., 2020. Plants radically change the mobility of PCBs in soil: Role of different species and soil conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 388, 121786.
Di Guardo, A., Raspa, G., Terzaghi, E., Vergani, L., Mapelli, F., Borin, S., Zanardini, E., Morosini, C., Anelli, S., Nastasio, P., Sale, V.M., Armiraglio, S., 2020. PCB vertical and horizontal movement in agricultural soils of a highly contaminated site: Role of soil properties, cultivation history and PCB physico-chemical parameters. Science of The Total Environment 747, 141477.
Castiglioni, S., Zuccato, E., Fattore, E., Riva, F., Terzaghi, E., Koenig, R., Principi, P., Di Guardo, A., 2020. Micropollutants in Lake Como water in the context of circular economy: A snapshot of water cycle contamination in a changing pollution scenario. Journal of Hazardous Materials 384, 121441.
Bagnati, R., Terzaghi, E., Passoni, A., Davoli, E., Fattore, E., Maspero, A., Palmisano, G., Zanardini, E., Borin, S., Di Guardo, A. Identification of Sulfonated and Hydroxy-Sulfonated Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Metabolites in Soil: New Classes of Intermediate Products of PCB Degradation? Environmental Science & Technology (2019) 53, 10601–10611
Terzaghi, E., Vergani, L., Mapelli, F., Borin, S., Raspa, G., Zanardini, E., Morosini, C., Anelli, S., Nastasio, P., Sale, V.M., Armiraglio, S., Di Guardo, A. Rhizoremediation of weathered PCBs in a heavily contaminated agricultural soil: Results of a biostimulation trial in semi field conditions. Science of The Total Environment (2019), 686, 484–496
Vitale C.M., Terzaghi E., Zati D., Di Guardo A. How good are the predictions of mobility of aged polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil? Insights from a soil column experiment. Science of the Total Environment (2018), 645: 865-875
Morselli M., Terzaghi E., Galimberti F., Di Guardo A. Pesticide fate in cultivated mountain basins: The improved DynAPlus model for predicting peak exposure and directing sustainable monitoring campaigns to protect aquatic ecosystems. Chemosphere (2018), 210: 204-214
Terzaghi E., Morselli M., Zanardini E., Morosini C., Raspa G., Di Guardo A. Improving the SoilPlusVeg model to evaluate rhizoremediation and PCB fate in contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution (2018), 241: 1138-1145
Morselli M., Terzaghi E., Di Guardo A. Do environmental dynamics matter in fate models? Exploring scenario dynamics for a terrestrial and an aquatic system. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts (2018), 20: 145-156
Terzaghi E., Zanardini E., Morosini C., Raspa G., Borin S., Mapelli F., Vergani L., Di Guardo A., Rhizoremediation half-lives of PCBs: Role of congener composition, organic carbon forms, bioavailability, microbial activity, plant species and soil conditions, on the prediction of fate and persistence in soil. Science of the Total Environment (2018), 612: 544-560
Terzaghi E., Morselli M., Semplice M., Cerabolini B.E.L., Jones K.C., Freppaz M., Di Guardo A. SoilPlusVeg: An integrated air-plant-litter-soil model to predict organic chemical fate and recycling in forests. Science of the Total Environment (2017), 595 169-177
Di Guardo A., Terzaghi E., Raspa G., Borin S., Mapelli F., Chouaia B., Zanardini E., Morosini C., Colombo A., Fattore E., Davoli E., Armiraglio S., Sale V., Anelli S., Nastasio P. Differentiating current and past PCB and PCDD/F sources: the role of a large contaminated soil site in an industrialized city area. Environmental Pollution (2017), 223: 367-375.
Vergani L., Mapelli F., Zanardini E., Terzaghi E., Di Guardo A., Morosini C., Raspa G., Borin S. Phyto-rhizoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated soils: An outlook on plant microbe beneficial interactions. Science of the Total Environment (2017), 575: 1395-1406
Terzaghi E., Scacchi M., Cerabolini B., Jones K.C., Di Guardo A. Estimation of PAH variability in air using high volume, film and vegetation as samplers. Environmental Science & Technology (2015), 49: 5520-5528
Terzaghi E., Zacchello G., Scacchi M., Raspa G., Jones K.C., Cerabolini B., Di Guardo A. Towards more ecologically realistic scenarios of plant uptake modelling for chemicals: PAHs in asmall forest. Science of the Total Environment (2015), 505: 329-337
Terzaghi E., Wild E., Zacchello G., Cerabolini B., Jones K.C. and Di Guardo A. Forest Filter Effect: Role of leaves in capturing/releasing air particulate matter and its associated PAHs. Atmospheric Environment (2013), 74: 378-384
Capitoli di libro
Malpei F., Antonelli M., Bergna G., Bernasconi M., Binelli A., Depero L.E., Di Guardo A., Federici S., Gabrielli M., Galafassi S., Gugliandolo M.C., Magni S., Malacrida C., Mossotti R., Pedrazzani R., Sala A., Stefanoni M., Terzaghi E., Volta P. 2020. Microplastiche nel comparto acquatico, in GdL-MIE. Inquinanti Emergenti - Quadro delle conoscenze sulla presenza, le tecnologie di contenimento e lo stato della ricerca su microinquinanti e microplastiche nei comparti acquatici lombardi. A cura di Tartari G., Bregna G., Lietti M., Rizzo A., Lazzari F. E Brioschi C. Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster, Milano: 164-210, ISBN: 9788894555707.
Riva V., Terzaghi E., Vergani L., Mapelli F., Zanardini E., Morosini C., Raspa G., Di Guardo A.,Borin S. Exploitation of Rhizosphere Microbiome Services. In book: Methods in Rhizosphere Biology Research. Publisher: Springer, Singapore. Year: 2019.
Terzaghi E., Raspa G., Zanardini E., Morosini C. , Mapelli F., Vergani L., Borin S., Armiraglio S., Sale V.M., Anelli S., Iavazzo P., Nastasio P., Di Guardo A. 2019. SIN Brescia-Caffaro: ruolo della rhizoremediation in aree contaminate da PCB, diossine e furani – Stima dei tempi di risanamento in presenza di un gradiente di contaminazione complesso, in Siti Contaminati: Esperienze negli interventi di risanamenti. A cura di Boni M.R., Collivignarelli C., Vagliasindi F.G.A., CSISA, Catania: 529-535, ISBN 8878500224.
Vergani L., Mapelli F., Terzaghi E., Raspa G., Zanardini E., Morosini C., Armiraglio S., Iavazzo P., Sale V.M., Anelli S., Nastasio P., Di Guardo A., Borin S. 2019. L’importanza del monitoraggio microbiologico nei processi di bioremediation: il caso studio della sperimentazione di tecniche di rhizoremediation nel SIN Brescia-Caffaro, in Siti Contaminati: Esperienze negli interventi di risanamenti. A cura di Boni M.R., Collivignarelli C., Vagliasindi F.G.A., CSISA, Catania: 473-478, ISBN 8878500224.
Rapporti scientifici
Di Guardo A., Terzaghi E., Zanardini E., Cristiana M., Raspa G., Borin, S., Mapelli F., Vergani L. Linee guida scientifiche per la bonifica biologica delle zone agricole del SIN Brescia-Caffaro (Dicembre 2018). Rapporto conclusivo del progetto per ERSAF legato allo sviluppo delle linee guida scientifiche per la bonifica del sito SIN Brescia-Caffaro.