Publications and hand-outs can be freely downloaded from the academia (dot) edu page of Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia e Culture (click on my name!)
In corso di stampa
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), Subjunctive and irrealis. In: Jan Nuyts, Johan van der Auwera (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Mood and Modality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), "Cognitive Linguistics and Greek". In: V. Bubenik, E. Crespo, C. Golston, A. Lianeri, S. Luraghi and S. Matthaios, The Brill’s Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Leiden/New York, Brill.
Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), "Metaphor". In: V. Bubenik, E. Crespo, C. Golston, A. Lianeri, S. Luraghi and S. Matthaios, The Brill’s Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Leiden/New York, Brill.
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), "Go and come as sources of directive constructions". In: Maud Devos, Jenneke van de Wal (eds.), 'Come' and 'go' off the beaten grammaticalization path. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Anna Giacalone Ramat, Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), "Venire ('come') as a passive auxiliary in Italian". In: Maud Devos, Jenneke van de Wal (eds.), 'Come' and 'go' off the beaten grammaticalization path. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Andrea Sansò, Nominalization-based voice constructions as a cross-linguistic type. Submitted.
Andrea Sansò, Exemplar semantics and diachrony. Applications and open questions. In preparation.
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), "Casomai: the development of a complex conditional connective in Italian". In: G. Trousdale, A. Smith (eds.), New Reflections on Grammaticalization 5 (working title). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (in c. di st.), "Tipologia Linguistica". In: Gabriele Iannàccaro (a c. di), Dieci anni di linguistica italiana (2001-2011). Roma: Bulzoni.
Caterina Mauri, Malvina Nissim, Paola Pietrandrea, Andrea Sansò (2013), “Which units for modality annotation?”, in H. Bunt (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (isa-9), pp. 7-14.
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (a c. di) (2012), What do languages encode when they encode reality status?, numero monografico della rivista Language Sciences 34 (2).
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (2012), “What do languages encode when they encode reality status”, introduzione al numero monografico dallo stesso titolo della rivista Language Sciences 34 (2), pp. 99-106.
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (2012), “The reality status of directives and its coding across languages”, Language Sciences 34 (2) (numero monografico dal titolo “What do languages encode when they encode reality status?”, guest editors: Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò), pp. 147-170.
Anna Giacalone Ramat, Andrea Sansò (2011) “L’emploi indéfini de homo en latin tardif. Aux origines d’un européanisme”, in Michele Fruyt & Olga Spevak (eds.), La quantification en latin, Paris, Harmattan, 2010, pagg. 93-115.
Andrea Sansò (2011), “Mediterranean languages”, in Bernd Kortmann & Johan van der Auwera (eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Europe. A Comprehensive Guide, pp. . Berlino-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 341ss. (collana: The World of Linguistics).
Anna Giacalone Ramat, Andrea Sansò (2011), “From passive to impersonal. A case study from Italian and its implications”, in Andrej Malchukov & Anna Siewierska (eds.), Impersonal constructions. A cross-linguistic perspective, pp. 187-226. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins (collana: Studies in Language Companion Series).
Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò (2011), “How directive constructions/ strategies emerge. Grammaticalization, reanalysis, and constructionalization”, Journal of Pragmatics 43: 3489-3521.
Andrea Sansò (2011), “Grammaticalization and prototype effects. A history of the agentive reflexive passive in Italian”, Folia Linguistica Historica vol. 32: 219-252.
Andrea Sansò (2010), “Su un caso di mancata grammaticalizzazione: aner e anthropos come elementi indefiniti/generici nella storia del greco”, in I. Putzu, G. F. Nieddu, G. Paulis, e P. Cuzzolin (a c. di), La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia, pagg. 442-461. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Andrea Sansò (2010), “How conceptual are semantic maps?”, Linguistic Discovery 8 (1), pagg. 288-309 (numero speciale su “Semantic Maps: Methods and Applications”, guest editors: M. Cysouw, M. Haspelmath, A. Malchukov).
Andrea Sansò (2010), “The Dynamic Potential of Probabilistic Semantic Maps. Comment on ‘Similarity Semantics and Building Probabilistic Semantic Maps from Parallel Texts’ by Bernhard Wälchli (2010)”, Linguistic Discovery 8 (1), pagg. 372-374 (numero speciale su “Semantic Maps: Methods and Applications”, guest editors: M. Cysouw, M. Haspelmath, A. Malchukov).
Andrea Sansò, "Men, women, and birds. An embryonic system of noun classification in Ancient Greek". Folia Linguistica 43 (1): 95-133.
Anna Giacalone Ramat - Andrea Sansò, "The indefinite usage of uomo, 'man', in early Italo-Romance. Grammaticalization and areality", Archivio Glottologico Italiano XCII (I): 65-111.
Federica Da Milano, Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò, "Linguistica Tipologica e prassi computazionale. L'esperienza del Pavia Typological Database", Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 36 (2): 311-329.
Andrea Sansò (ed.), Language Resources and Linguistic Theory, Milano: Franco Angeli.
Andrea Sansò, "Language resources and linguistic theory. By way of introduction" in A. Sansò (ed.), Language Resources and Linguistic Theory, 7-12. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Federica da Milano, Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò, "Documenting linguistic variation in Europe: The Pavia Typological Database", in A. Sansò (ed.), Language Resources and Linguistic Theory, 67-79. Milan: Franco Angeli.
Anna Giacalone Ramat, Andrea Sansò, "The spread and decline of indefinite man-constructions in European languages: An areal perspective", in P. Ramat & E. Roma (eds.), Europe and the Mediterranean as linguistic areas: Convergencies from a historical and typological perspective, 95-131. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Andrea Sansò, "'Agent defocusing' revisited: Passive and impersonal constructions in some European languages". In Werner Abraham, Larisa Leisiö (eds.), Passivization and Typology: Form and Function, 232-273. Typological Studies in Language. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Andrea Sansò, "Documenting variation across Europe and the Mediterranean: The Pavia Typological Database". In ELDA (ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), Genoa, 22-28 May 2006. Pp. 2164-2169.