pubblicazioni più significative
1: De Lerma Barbaro A. The complex liaison between cachexia and tumor burden (Review).
Oncol Rep. 2015 34: 1635-49.
2: De Lerma Barbaro A, Perletti G, Bonapace IM, Monti E. Inflammatory cues acting on the adult intestinal stem cells and the early onset of cancer (review). Int J Oncol. 2014 45:959-68
3: De Lerma Barbaro A, De Ambrosis A, Banelli B, Li Pira G, Aresu O, Romani M, Ferrini S, Accolla RS. Methylation of CIITA promoter IV causes loss of HLA-II inducibility by IFN-gamma in promyelocytic cells. Int Immunol. 2008 20:1457-66
4: Noonan DM, De Lerma Barbaro A, Vannini N, Mortara L, Albini A. Inflammation, inflammatory cells and angiogenesis: decisions and indecisions. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2008 27:31-40
5: De Lerma Barbaro A, Frumento G, Procopio FA, Accolla RS. MHC immunoevasins: protecting the pathogen reservoir in infection. Tissue Antigens. 2005;66:2-8
6: De Lerma Barbaro A, Procopio FA, Mortara L, Tosi G, Accolla RS. The MHC class II transactivator (CIITA) mRNA stability is critical for the HLA class II gene expression in myelomonocytic cells. Eur J Immunol. 2005;35:603-11
7: Tosi G, Pilotti E, Mortara L, De Lerma Barbaro A, Casoli C, Accolla RS. Inhibition of human T cell leukemia virus type 2 replication by the suppressive action of class II transactivator and nuclear factor Y. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2006 22;103:12861-6
8: Casoli C, De Lerma Barbaro A, Pilotti E, Bertazzoni U, Tosi G, Accolla RS. The MHC class II transcriptional activator (CIITA) inhibits HTLV-2 viral replication by blocking the function of the viral transactivator Tax-2. Blood. 2004;103:995-1001
9: Accolla RS, De Lerma Barbaro A, Mazza S, Casoli C, De Maria A, Tosi G. The MHC class II transactivator: prey and hunter in infectious diseases. Trends Immunol. 2001; 22:560-3
10: De Lerma Barbaro A, Tosi G, Valle MT, Megiovanni AM, Sartoris S, D'Agostino A, Soro O, Mingari MC, Canonica GW, Manca F, Accolla RS. Distinct regulation of HLA class II and class I cell surface expression in the THP-1 macrophage cell line after bacterial phagocytosis. Eur J Immunol. 1999;29:499-511